
1953 | Eager to spread the Charisma of Mother Anne far and wide, three young and enthusiastic Swiss Missionaries came to India, to Pune Diocese on 21st January 1953 to begin their Mission. |
1962 | The pioneering work of these sisters as well as those who joined them later began to bear fruit in terms of our various kinds of apostolate: A noviciate for Indian Ursulines was started. |
Today | the small mission from that time has grown to a wide-spread province. We Indian Ursulines from different states of India devote ourselves to the various apostolic tasks. |
We want to unfold the mystery of God?s love to all, thus extent the reign of Jesus Christ for the Glory of God the Father.
Our sisters are involved in formal education and catechetical formation through schools and in social and pastoral work. Some of the poor children are given a chance for education through our boardings. Medical work in remote villages is also carried out through mobile dispensaries.
We work in different states and in different dioceses of the whole of India. As collaborators in the mission of Jesus, like Mother Anne we, too, continue to light our lamps from the person of Christ and keep on lighting the lives of those around us for the glory of God the Father.
To consecrate our life to God
in the formation of true Christians
so that the kingdom of Jesus Christ should spread
to the Glory of God the Father.
(Constitutions 1)